Friday, 7 October 2011

Trailer Reading

Finola Kerrigan

Finola Kerrigan is an academic who has published a book called 'Film marketing'. In this book she describes the purpose of the trailer. Kerrigan makes an analysis which locates the film trailer within the context of film production and consumption, splitting it into three historical periods; the first being the Classical Era, 1930-1940. The Transitional Era, 1950-1970, and the Contemporary Era, mid 1970 onwards. Kerrigan believes that through studying trailers in this sense we learn about the evolution of film as a dramatic form. Throughout the classical period the trailer was used as a predominant method of promoting films to the consumer. Where as in the transitional era cinema audiences began to move away from film and favour television. Finally, the contemporary era sees the trailer loose some of its dominance as films begin to be promoted through a variety of different methods.
Traditionally, while the film poster may be displayed in prominent places to be seen by target audiences, the film trailer would also be seen by audiences watching other films at the cinema. In addition to this the 'coming soon' that features at the beginning of videos or DvDs.
Over the years the portrayal of films has developed into online campaigns, viewers can now easily access a website that solely dedicated to the film, which at minimal measures will show the film trailer. In addition to this film trailers can often be accessed on other peer to peer websites, such as YouTube. Branching from this viewers can add and share links across a number of social websites such as Facebook and Myspace, creating a hype across the nation, in relation to this film production companies have realised that this is the case and so there fore have created their own social network pages that promote the film, allowing audience interaction.
Teasers can be used effectively along side initial promotional activities which serve to start speculation about the film and create word by mouth, creating a hysteria across nations.
information came from 'Film Marketing, by Finola Kerrigan'

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