We have decided to film our Production Company Logo first so we don't just rush it at the end. At the moment we are wanting it to be a girl bench with her dog shot through a Polaroid picture frame, making it look like a normal Polaroid picture, however the girl will then get up and exit the shot. However we would like to experiment with other ideas of what the photo can be of when we get there so we have set aside a whole morning to shoot this.
Or first day of filming our teaser trailer is on Monday the 24th October. This will be our London day. We have tried to plan this day around what we think will the least busy as each time. The day will begin with us getting the train up to London so the obvious thing to start with is our filming of Emily on the train and the shooting of the view from with train window. We have decided our first stop in London will be Oxford Street as it will not be too busy as 11am as it would be at lunchtime say. We will then be going onto The Monument. We have all been past The Monument at various points during the day and have never seen it busy so we are hoping that we will be lucky and it wont be busy at about 12 when we get there. We are intending to begin this day at 10am so we get all the filming done before the sun goes down as we are getting into winter now and it is getting dark at around 4.30 now.
Our next day of filming will begin with us filming the shots on the school field. We again are hoping to start filming early so we don't have to worry about it getting dark early. We have given ourselves 50 minutes to film this as we want to try these shots from lots of different angles. The next two shots will be the close ups of Emily laughing and looking scared. We will be filming this in Lottie's house in her cupboard as we want it to be pitch black and we will use the little light on the camera to highlight Emily's face. We want these two shots to look quite intense and different from the other ones. After this we will be going to Holly's friends house where we will be doing the pool shots. We have set aside quite a long time to do this as we are unsure how long this will take us. The shot underwater will be done on an underwater disposable camera as we want that jagged look of taking lots of photos in cannon and then playing them quickly on after the other to give the illusion of movement in photos. We want to do this to give a sort of disjointed effect and make the viewers feel slightly uncomfortable.
Hopefully everything will go to plan and we can stick to the schedule.
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