Friday, 23 September 2011

Target Audience

For our teaser trailer we are looking at an audience of about 18-25 years of age. The reason we would like it to be slightly higher, is due to the fact the film is based on an intense storyline as well as the audience needing to understand what is happening throughout the film.
It could be either gender as it is not focused on one topic. There is action, which is typically aimed at males as well as characters that appeal to woman. The thriller aspect appeals to both genders, as it is quite a vague genre allowing many things to happen within. The fact the main character is female, allows female audiences to perhaps relate to the character. Men will also like the fact the main lead is a woman due to shots aimed at the male gaze used as an incentive to watch. After researching online we found that 57% of woman watch thrillers and 43% of men watch thrillers, confirming the idea that our film is appropriate for both genders.
Attracting this target audience we will advertise in places such as analogue channels after 8 o'clock because..........................
The locations used in our films are also aimed at the age group selected as they are places that many may have visited, or know about leaving a sense of belonging.
After looking at previous research projects looking at the link between thriller and target audiences, we noticed that the age most popular when viewing a thriller is 50+. When we saw this we were quite surprised, due to the fact it is an age not often considered by young people such as our  selves. However, we believed that this was not going to be the same result wit our project due to the use of young actors which relate to an audience of 18-25. The second most popular was 18-25. We were not surprised by this result, this result confirmed our decision to use an audience of 18-25.
Here, we have looked at the success of The Butterfly Effect. A film that similarly to ours is a psychological thriller. The results show that there was only a slight difference in the amount of men and woman who viewed the film. The age group 18-29 is the most popular age group to view the film, again reassuring us that it is the ideal age group to use for our target audience. 


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