Friday, 30 September 2011


Our script is a voiceover of our main character speaking. We wanted to keep the audience in suspense and not reveal too much. The idea to use the main character for the voiceover was from the teaser trailer Black Swan, where Natalie Portman is talking about a scary dream she had. The tone of her voice is soft and confused, we want our actress to have the same intentions when recording our voiceover. For our voiceover we have used the dictionary definitions of reality and dream, this fits well as our film is all about the characters confusion between the two. However, giving the definitions does not give too much away as to the films content.

Trailer Transcript


Close up of hands underwater  (voiceover)

Aerial shot of Verity floating in swimming pool face down  (voiceover)

Montage of rapid underwater photographs  (voiceover)


Aerial shot of Verity running down spiral staircase  (voiceover)

Verity standing in a busy place, surroundings in fast forward

TEXT: (Quote from review)

Aerial shot of Verity running out of the monument 

Jump cut, close up of Verity in distress (voiceover-laughing)

TEXT: ........................

Jump cut, close up of Verity laughing (voiceover panic/distress)

Passed out/asleep on a train (digetic sound)

Rapid sequence of train station names, combined with previous shot (digetic sound)

TEXT: .........................

Close up of shifty eyes

TEXT: .........................

Rewind of entire teaser trailer minus titles

TEXT: Title of film  COMING SOON

VOICEOVER (Verity) - over lapse of shots

Reality. Reality is the state or fact of being real; that which is real and not imaginary; truth, verity; the fixed permanent nature of real property.
Dreams. A dream is a train of thoughts and images experienced during sleep, a vision; something only imaginary, a distant hope or ideal, probably unattainable; a state of mental abstraction; to think ideally, to think of possibilities, contemplate as imaginably possible; to be lost in abstraction, to see or imagine in or as in a dream, ideal.

In the transcript for our trailer we have dictated the original ending but we also are going to attempt another ending, as an experiment. If this experimental ending works we will use it, if not we will use the original one. In this last shot we want to try and get a close up of Verity in her bedroom falling asleep and then zoom out and the viewer will find Verity in the woods, all in all confusing the viewer and Verity, giving them an insight into narcolepsy.

Our actress Emily, playing Verity, came in and read the dictionary definitions of reality and dream from the dictionary to see if we like the way it sounded for the voiceover. We recorded her doing it in a similar voice to Natalie Portman from the Black Swan teaser trailer.
This video shows the recording we made...

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