Thursday, 15 December 2011

Finished Magazine Cover

Today, We completed our magazine cover. We are proud to have achieved what we have, especially due to our select skills with using photoshop. We really struggled with photoshop particularly when trying to cut Emily out of the original image and place her with a new background, without her looking like she had been stuck on. The most difficult part was her hair and the attempt to make it look free flowing and not drawn on. We applied multiple effects to the magazine the hope of creating a convincing magazine cover, this involved darkening the image so that the text would be more obvious. We also found the same fonts to follow the style of Studio magazine. We also chose a grey background as this appeared most in the covers of Studio magazine.
We are pleased with what we have created and will be ready to move on to our evaluation.

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Background drama

Today we went and took a photo of Emily who played our main character in Verity Lies.  We wanted to get the same feel as the Studio magazine women did so we turned all the lights off and used lamps to light her face and also used a hair dryer to get her hair to flow.  We took some in front of Emily's blinds that were spotty as we thought it would make a nice background and then some against her plain bedroom wall.
   Next we shortlisted our favourite photos as we did when designing our poster and discussed which one we felt would work best.  Eventually we chose the one of Emily side on with her hair flowing behind as we liked the unusual positioning and Emily looks very beautiful.

 Initially we liked the spotty background but when applying it to our Studio magazine layout we decided it cheapened the overall look of our piece.  We then made the decision to cut out Emily from the background thinking this would be a fairly straightforward easy process.  WE WERE SO WRONG.
   Daisy stayed after school today trying to get the background gone and nothing seemed to be going right.  The main problem is the hair.  It is very hard to distinguish where the hair stops and the background begins.  Once finally managing to cut her out placing her onto our fully formed magazine cover made Emily look very out of place and just sort of shoved there without much thought.
   We will continue to try to use this image as we really like it and want to use it for our cover but we need to think of a better way to achieve the look we want.

Friday, 9 December 2011

Today we have been trying to replicate the text of the Studio maqazine covers.  Using a website we were able to find out what the fonts used were and then use them ourselves.  It is difficult to know exactly what our cover will look like until we have the photo which we are intending to take early next week.  We chose a grey background as 3 out of the 4 issues of Studio have grey backgrounds. 

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Ideas for Magazine

 We have looked at 'STUDIO' magazine, which is the British woman's first film magazine. Emily is the featured main character of our film so would be well suited to Studio magazine, however it appears to be less film related and more to do with the actress. This we do not mind as it gives depth to the character in the film however would like the film to be the main focus so perhaps Studio magazine would not be the ideal magazine.

We have also looked at 'SIGHT&SOUND' magazine in which a more artistic appearance occurs, which would nicely reflect our film that being one of the art house kind. However, much like STUDIO magazine the main focus is not the film itself but instead the directors behind the film. We are unsure as to which magazine we would like to use so shall look further.

We browsed over other magazines such as 'EMPIRE' and 'TOTAL FILM' but these are too commercial and orientate around large blockbuster films as suppose to art films.

Friday, 2 December 2011

Piranha Head

Get your gnashes round this. Here we were experimenting with trying to create a clear image of Emily's face but still retaining that sense of mystery. Here we combined an image of Emily and the poster so as to allow Emily to be more obvious as many people did not know what the poster was of. However, this cheapens the design and leaves nothing to the imagination so we decided against doing this. She looks as if she is screaming which fails to meet the genre and changes it to that of a horror. As well as making the poster look as if it has been photoshoped.

More Experimentation

We created these logos to go with the companies we made up.  The polariod pictures frame logo is to go with our production logo.  The camera logo is to go with the Diana Films company and and the megaphone to symbolise Loud Entertainment.  We chose to make these as we noticed on other posters they had very little logos under all the credits. After creating them we applied them to our poster and used the rubber tool so they blended in with the background.

Holly has left the building

Today Mr Go broke the news to us that Holly  is no longer attending Langley Park School for Girls. We were shocked by the news but understand we have a deadline coming up so have kept focused. We doing all we need to do to complete our coursework without our 4th Minion.
Verity Lies will go on!



This is the final Poster for Verity Lies.

We are really pleased with the final outcome, we like the fact our poster pushed the boundaries of conventional posters and was unique much like our teaser trailer. 

Thursday, 1 December 2011


We have continued to work on our titles this week.  We have now added our text (Our title, our tag line and our actresses name).  We have moved the titles around a lot to see where we liked them best and eventually settled on having them all at the bottom.  However this  made the top part of the poster look quite plain and empty.  We then had the idea of having reviews at the top like many posters do.  This took quite a long time and much frustration to get all our stars and quote in the right place but we are now happy with what we have done.  We also added very slight highlights to Emilys mouth and nose area of to hopefully make her features stand out more and her face more noticeable.  We are now working towards our logos for our made up companies.